A new preparatory action designed to upskill SLOs and safety officers at clubs, national associations and leagues
SD Europe is delighted to announce the launch of TRANSFER (Transnational Football Exchange and Role-Sharing), a new two-year project designed to implement an EU Preparatory Action in the field of Exchanges and Mobility in Sport. This Preparatory Action aims to contribute to the development of sport organisations by supporting the learning mobility of their staff. Exchanges of people, ideas and good practices can be beneficial for individuals, for their organisations and for sport as a whole. The project is co-funded by the European Union and UEFA.
TRANSFER will invest in the professional development and capacity-building of supporter liaison officers (SLOs) and safety and security officers (SSOs) at clubs, national associations and leagues in six European countries through a novel programme of transnational exchange visits. Under the project, a minimum of 72 football club and governing body employees will benefit from the opportunity to undertake job-shadowing learning at their counterparts in the partner countries.
Football Association of the Czech Republic (FACR)
English Premier League (EPL)
French Football League (LFP)
German Football League (DFL)
Scottish Football Association (SFA)
Supporters Direct Scotland (SD Scotland)
Football Association of Serbia (FSS)
Through a programme of exchange visits focused on the specific learning contexts of the countries and the club and governing body employees involved, the project expects to contribute to:
(1) improved matchday operations benefiting clubs and football supporters across Europe;
(2) more structural implementation of regular exchanges in SLO education in the participating countries and beyond, and
(3) an increased awareness of the integrated approach to safety, security, and service at football matches.
TRANSFER will work toward these impacts by:
(1) assessing the learning needs of the participants;
(2) piloting transnational learning mobilities;
(3) validating the learning outcomes (through formative assessment led by an education assessment expert), and
(4) mainstreaming SLO mobilities at policy levels (with the support of a special advisor to the European Think Tank of Football Safety and Security Experts).
Project manager and SD Europe Head of SLO Development Stuart Dykes said: “This project will help to raise standards in the area of supporter liaison and contribute to smoother matchday operations by bringing club and governing body staff together to exchange information and experiences in a spirit of international cooperation and acquire new skills that will enhance their personal development.”
Speaking on behalf of the French Football League (LFP), Maël Garde-Provansal, Head of Supporter Relations, said: “The LFP is happy to take part in another SD Europe project and can’t wait to get started. The opportunity for our SLOs and safety officers to visit and learn from their opposite numbers in other countries augurs well for the future and we will be 100% invested in the project!”
TRANSFER was developed in response to a call for proposals to implement the Preparatory action “Exchanges and mobility in sport” in accordance with Commission Decision C(2020)1194 of 4 March 2020 on the adoption of the 2020 annual work programme for the implementation of pilot projects and preparatory actions in the area of education, sport and culture. Under the current circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, the programme of exchange visits will commence only once it is fully safe to do so.