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Rwandan Project chosen to benefit from offsetting partnership

During SD Europe’s AGM in February 2020, the membership were given a choice between three projects to become the beneficiary of our carbon offsetting partnership with Atmosfair.

The three projects were home biogas plants in Nepal, efficient cookstoves in Rwanda and electricity from crop residues in India. Following a breakdown of each, the membership voted in favour of the Rwanda efficient cookstoves project.

The partnership with Atmosfair was initiated because SD Europe recognises that the football industry has a responsibility to take stock and decrease its footfall on the increasingly fragile planet.

This is part of our commitment to one of the new organisational principles – sustainability. Over the coming months, we will be sharing best practice stories from within football to demonstrate how straight forward it can be to address your impact on the planet as a member-run football club or supporters organisation no matter what size.

Rwanda ‘Save80’ Cookstoves Project Summary

Key facts:

  1. Total carbon savings: Appr. 125,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year 

  2. Local environment: Reduction of deforestation, conservation of biodiversity 

  3. Other benefits: Reduced smoke from cooking, less time and money needed to collect or buy wood, benefiting women the most 

  4. Beneficiaries: Households in all of Rwanda and in refugee camps 

The project implements the use of efficient stoves that use 80% less firewood than traditional stoves in Rwandan communities and the increasingly growing refugee camps which are straining natural resources in the region. By reducing the use of wood for energy, the ‘Save80’ cookstoves help to combat climate change through the conservation of forests and preserve the natural habitats of mountain gorillas and numerous other plants and animal species. It also contributes to improved living conditions by reducing the quantity of hazardous gases being released near homes and living spaces from cooking. You can find out more about the project and Atmosfair here.

RECAP: ‘How does carbon offsetting work?’

  1. In carrying out SD Europe’s work, carbon emissions are created as an unavoidable consequence of air travel

  2. Through the partnership, Atmosfair, a not for profit organisation supported by the German Federal Environment Agency, will gather SD Europe’s air travel data and calculate the total carbon emissions created

  3. SD Europe will then use Atmosfair to contribute to a project that reduces carbon emissions, ‘offsetting‘ what has been created by the organisation

  4. Atmosfair will also assist and advise SD Europe on how to become more environmentally sustainable and conscious

Our members and friends of the network can also use Atmosfair to offset their carbon emissions by clicking here.


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